It is important to know that to subscribe to Dish Network you may be offered to sign a contract for one or two years. You can cancel Dish service before the contract expires but this will cost you an early termination fee ranging between $75 and $480. But some circumstances are legal and for which the Dish subscribers do not have to pay any penalty for the contract termination. Here are your options:
Change Your Location To Any Area Where There Is No Service
There is no early termination fee if one wants to end the Dish contract in situations where Dish can no longer offer its services. Now, dish service may not be offered in some areas especially in rural regions due to various reasons as will be discussed below.
To cancel your contract in such a manner, you should be in a position to prove to Dish that you have relocated to an area that they do not cover. Such evidence may include a photographic copy of a lease at a new address and a note that there is no line of sight to satellites from the new home.
In this situation, it becomes your responsibility to initiate the cancellation process with Dish. They should never know when you have relocated since it is a very sensitive process. Once you have moved permanently to a new, unsupported location, inform Dish that you want to discontinue the service.
Bundled Service Cancellation
Sometimes Dish accompanies packages of television with that of the internet or other related services. If you subscribe to Dish Network with another provider, then changing the provider at some point can help you cancel Dish TV without any consequences.
For instance, several people subscribe to Dish services especially, in combination with phone service or internet. If that phone/internet provider violates that contract in some way, then the customer has the right to cancel related services like Dish without ETF.
Therefore if you have an issue with the non-Dish part of the bundled package, you should complain to that provider and ultimately cancel. Any breaches of contract should be documented in detail. Thereafter, you will have proof of breach of the contract bundled with your subscription to Dish TV to justify your right to exit such service free of charge.
Going to a Place with a Blurry Satellite Imagery
As with moving outside the Dish service area altogether, it is possible to set up a home where satellites are blocked to facilitate ETF-free cancellation
Some of the factors that may interfere with the address to Dish Network satellites include for instance new buildings that may hinder clear view of the satellites, hills, trees, and any other barriers to the direct view of the satellites. If you relocate to a place with completely obscured satellite visibility, submit a letter documenting the new physical address alongside maps or pictures illustrating the same.
Death Or Disability
If the Dish account holder dies or becomes disabled/incapacitated during the term of the contract, one may cancel a Dish agreement without the fees being paid by survivors or caretakers.
It is advisable to produce as many documents as possible concerning the death or acquisition of disability status. For death, a copy of the death certificate is often enough. For disability, provide letters from the doctor stating that the account holder is no longer able to use Dish services because of blindness, loss of memory, or any other disability.
Deployment With The Military
For military service members and their families in the United States, dish network contract cancellation is possible if the military shows a new order of deployment or transfer.
Present Dish a copy of a written deployment/relocation order signed by your commanding officer. Such orders should include transfer to another base, preparation for deployment overseas, or any military duty that will prevent one from accessing Dish programming.
Poor Service Quality
Tired of dropped connections, weak signals, or channel blocks? Some of the grievances may enable you to cancel the Dish agreement if the company has not addressed major issues in your service.
To adopt this approach, one must adequately document a firm’s service problems over an extended period. Record any situation that affects signal quality and maintain logs that capture dates, time of the interruption, channels that are affected, and the duration of the outage. Also, save any email or chat transcripts where you have informed Dish customer service of these outages.
However, if you continue experiencing issues for weeks and have not gotten a satisfactory solution from Dish, seek assistance from your state’s consumer protection department. You should write an official complaint concerning Dish Network’s violation of the provisions of the service agreement regarding inconsistent service provision. When a service provider is in breach of the contract, state officials can offer advice on how to exercise the right to cancel the contract. The argument for getting out of the Dish deal will be supported by the state guidance and the detailed records of the service disruption.
Seek Legal Advice From A Consumer Protection Lawyer
If none of the above options are relevant, then one should seek the services of a consumer rights lawyer. Of course, there can always be specific provisions or unique methods to break the contract under your state jurisdictions for Dish Network.
For instance, most states have laws that compel TV/internet providers to offer a penalty-free opt-out clause for any reason in the few weeks after entering into multi-year contracts. It also reveals cases in which a provider can void an entire agreement for violating certain provisions, even once only.
Consumers cannot comprehend these laws and the extent of protection and cancellation rights as only lawyers know. By speaking to an attorney, you might find out there are ways of terminating your Dish contract that the basic customer service personnel do not inform you about. Of course, you would also be paying professional fees for their help.
To sum up, leaving Dish availability, manipulating bundles, military orders, unsatisfactory service, and such unclear terms of the contract as the potential ways of legal Dish Network early termination without penalties. Use caution when implementing any early cancellation method to ensure that you are in complete compliance with state and federal laws. Savvy strategies relevant to your case and adequate paperwork ensure you a good chance to cancel the Dish service without facing outrageous charges.
Ready to upgrade your TV experience? Call us now at (877) 471-4808 to find the perfect Dish Network plan for you! Don’t miss out on great entertainment—our team is here to help you choose the best package and get you started today.