How to get internet when there is no service?

  • Posted on: 12 Aug 2024
    How to get internet when there is no service?

  • Having a steady and fast internet connection at home is something that we have come to expect at this present time. However, things get a little more challenging when you decide to relocate to a new house and discover that there is no internet service provider in your neighborhood. Perhaps you are stuck without the Internet for days or even a few weeks due to some unpredictable technical failure. Although these circumstances are irritating, there are avenues through which you can access the internet and at least go online and get limited surfing capability and/or access your emails. This guide provides some of the possible things to do when you are out of your regular internet connection.

    Use Public Wi-Fi Hotspots

    Find Local Hotspots

    The simplest solution that can be suggested to a person who has no internet at home is to go to public places with free Wi-Fi access areas. I am talking about coffee shops, restaurants, hotels, airports, libraries, and some shops that publish an SSID you can use if you are nearby.

    To locate hotspots nearby, you can check wifi directories such as WiFi Map, Open Signal, and WiFinder. These tell you where you can find hotspots so that you can have an idea of what is available in the region. I’d just warn you to stay away from hotspots that may need some form of identification or agreement to terms before you can gain access. In an ideal world, it is recommended to select an “open” hotspot with no obligations.

    Assess Connection Reliability

    The last disadvantage of using public Wi-Fi is that the speed and the quality of the connection can significantly degrade because of large groups of users and weak networks. In an ideal world, you’d be able to try out a few hotspots and determine which of the hotspots provides the best speeds and stability for your requirements.

    Also, remember that public networks are not nearly as secure and private as an individual home network with a password. Avoid using apps that require a lot of privacy like online banking over public Wi-Fi.

    Make use of Tethering and Mobile Hotspots

    Mobile Hotspot on Smartphone: How to Use

    A smartphone with mobile data service means you carry an internet hotspot anywhere you go with your device. This function allows other devices such as laptops and tablets to connect to your phone’s data connection via Wi-Fi or Bluetooth. This makes you able to access your carrier’s 4G or 5G service even if you are unable to access traditional cable or DSL.

    The disadvantage is that mobile hotspots use up your smartphone data plan limit in terms of data usage. Carriers also limit hotspot data or charge additional fees for that capability as well. Nevertheless, if you have a high-data cell phone plan, this can be a convenient option for getting online when needed.

    Utilize an External Hotspot Device

    Another choice is utilizing a specialized portable mobile hotspot device, often known as a MiFi. These portable devices work like smartphones but are designed to act as cellular modems to provide other devices with internet access through Wi-Fi.

    These mobile hotspot devices are usually better in terms of range and connectivity than the hotspot available on your smartphone. Monthly data plans are usually cheaper than daily data plans. However, you still have monthly data caps that you need to live up to, thus, users with moderate internet usage are the most likely to benefit here.

    Leverage Satellite Internet Providers

    Explore Satellite Internet Plans

    You will be shocked to learn that it is possible to get home internet service from satellites circling in space. Initially, satellite internet was characterized by low reliability and high latency; however, new satellite constellations in low and mid-earth orbits have led to dramatic increases in performance.

    Satellite internet’s main advantage is that it can be accessed nearly anywhere in the United States – making it easily accessible if cable and DSL are unavailable at your location. Just understand that monthly data buckets are rather limited starting from 15 GB up to 50 GB. However, the satellite is still one of your better choices for fixed home internet if you reside in a rural area or a region that is not well-serviced.

    Consider Long-Term Alternatives

    The above methods can be used to address an internet service gap in the short term but do not hold much value in most situations as long-term solutions. Any constraints in getting data, irregular connections, privacy concerns, and plain inconveniently are bound to affect one over time.

    If you will be without traditional internet for an elongated amount of time, it is not a bad idea to look into other methods such as cell signal boosters, fixed wireless internet providers that take advantage of radio towers, or networked multiple locations. Just know these options need more technical expertise and capital to implement at the start.

    It is always important to establish internet access technologies that make connectivity possible because it is a dynamic area. But with the right information and some determination, you do not have to be out of ‘business’ when other normal-looking options fail you. Temporary disruption doesn’t have to affect one’s speedy and efficient modern life to a significant extent.


    A fast and stable home internet connection is something, which has become a necessity for many of us in the present day. However, there are alternatives when it comes to filling the gap should your service be discontinued without your knowledge. This includes the use of public Wi-Fi, smartphone and hardware mobile hotspots, satellite internet plans, and more advanced fixed wireless systems to connect as and when needed until the primary internet connection is back online. It is not impossible to survive an internet shutdown with a little extra work and a bit of imagination.


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